

Nordic Investor Relations Conference 2016

DIRF conference

DIRF – den danske IR-foreningen arrangerer i år den årlige nordiske IR-konferansen, og de byr på et variert program. Klikk her for mer informasjon.

Invitasjonen fra DIRF følger nedenfor:

This year it is the pleasure and privilege of DIRF – Danish Investor Relations Association to host the annual Nordic Investor Relations Conference, NIRC. The conference is titled IR anno 2016 – mastering investor relations in changing times and will be taking place on 14 September in central Copenhagen at DI (Confederation of Danish Industry).

The main programme is in place and we proudly present an excellent array of speakers who will be giving their input on the hottest IR issues presently (cf. pictures include hyperlinks plus pdf file attached) – registration is now open for all. The sessions were planned based on the input you kindly sent me along with inspiration from the main IR topics and trends presented and discussed at the annual IR conferences of our peer associations in Frankfurt and London. The main sessions are headlined as follows:

  • Keynote on the current macroeconomic and geopolitical risks and how they influence investor relation
  • Changing demands on the IR function due to new EU regulation
  • Handling of constantly higher requirements for transparency, risk management and timely communication
  • Keynote on how to communicate with financial markets with CEO Jens Bjørn Andersen, DSV A/S – twice named “CEO of the year 2016” by analysts and investors

Don’t miss this opportunity of topping up your IR qualifications that will equip you to meet future IR challenges. And please help us promote this traditional Nordic IR event in every which way you can to your members. More practical information, speaker presentations etc. will follow in August.

We look forward to welcoming our Nordic IR peers in Copenhagen.